Kazumichi Fujii, Takeshi Toma, Sukartiningsih. Comparison of soil acidification rates under different land uses in Indonesia. PLANT AND SOIL. 2021. 465. 1-2. 1-17
Takeshi Toma, Warsudi, Yoko Osone, Sutedjo, Tamotsu Sato, Sukartiningsih. Sixteen years changes in tree density and aboveground biomass of a logged and burned dipterocarp forest in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas. 2017. 18. 3. 1159-1167
Productivity of industrial plantations in the tropics
(第27回日本熱帯生態学会年次大会(奄美) 2017)
How much can we get forests? Knowing realistic values is a first step for better planning.
(第128回日本森林学会大会 2017)
Changes in aboveground biomass of logged and burned lowland dipterocarp forest stands affected by the 1998 fire in Bukit Soeharto, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
(Seminar Nasional Silviculture ke-4 dan Kongress Masyarakat Silvikultur Indonesia Juli 2016 2016)