2004 - Studies on monitoring of water temperature and the influence of their variation on the coastal fishing in northern Peru.
1996 - 1998 日本産イセエビの個体群維持機構解明のための基礎的研究
1993 - 環境変化がカキ個体群の動態に与える影響に関するモデル研究
1993 - Modeling studies on the influence of the environmental conditions on the oyster population dynamics.
1988 - 1989 黒潮内側域における中深層水の湧昇と栄養塩の輸送・収支に関する研究
1982 - 黒潮流域における海洋生物の浮性卵・幼生・仔魚の輸送と分散に関する研究
1982 - 多獲性浮魚類の資源量変動にかかわる初期減耗におよぼす流動環境の影響
1982 - Studies on the transport and dispersion of marine organisms' eggs and larvae in the Kuroshio region.
1982 - Studies on the influence of current condition on the natural mortality in early life stages of pelagic fishies relating to their abundance variations.