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Yasuhiro Takenaka, Takanari Nakano, Masaaki Ikeda, Yoshihiko Kakinuma, Ikuo Inoue. Epigenetic regulation of a mouse PPARγ splicing variant, Pparγ1sv, during adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells. bioRxiv. 2019. 647842
特許 (3件):
Consideration of the interface between thyroid function and circadian oscillation mechanisms. (甲状腺機能と概日振動機構の接点に関する考察)
(第99回 日本生理学会学術集会 公募シンポジウム Physiological functions based on robust sustainability and dynamic adaptability of the molecular clock(体内時計の静的持続性と動的適応性を基盤とする生理機能) 2022)