Masanari Sakurai. Why did the new NPO corporations diffuse? Reason for the increasing social economy organizations in Japan. 7th EMES Selected Conference Papers. 2019. ESCP-7EMES-15
滝村亮佑, 桜井政成. 農山村部における移住者と地域住民の交流状況の比較・分析:京都府南丹市でのアンケート調査から. R-RDIRI Forum -Working Paper-. 2019. 2
桜井政成. ボランティアマネジメントとは何か. 更生保護. 2018. 69. 10. 12-17
桜井政成. (書評)Aya Okada, Yu Ishida, Takako Nakajima, Yasuhiko Kotagiri (著)『The State of Nonprofit Sector Research in Japan: A Literature Review』. ノンプロフィット・レビュー. 2018. 18. 1. 32
Comments for Petersen presentation
(Open Research “Globalizing Welfare: An Evolving Asian-European Dialogue” 2019)
Why did the new NPO corporations diffuse? Reason for the increasing social economy organizations in Japan
(7th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise 2019)
Are disaster volunteers insufficient?An analysis of the volunteer coordination cases of flood disaster affected areas in Japan
(ISTR Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2019)
2018/10 - 2019/07 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THIRD-SECTOR RESEARCH a menber of the Academic Committee for the 11th ISTR Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Bangkok, Thailand on 15-16, July 2019.
, 日本社会学会
, 日本読書学会
, 福祉社会学会
, 日本NPO学会(2008-2009理事、2008-2009年次大会実行委員、2015-2021理事、2020-2021学会誌編集委員長)
, the International Society for Third-Sector Research (2019 Asia-Pacific Regional Conference International Academic Committee)