R. Takahashi, Tanaka, M. An exploration of density in L2 word association networks in the mental lexicon of Japanese learners of English’. Proceedings of BAAL 2019 (British Association of Applied Linguistics). 2020
The production of head-initial and head-final languages
Processing and Producing Head-Final Structures Studies of Theoretical Psycholinguistics, Vol. 38. 2010
Animacy and syntactic structure in sentence formulation
Proceedings of The 7th Tokyo Conference of Psycholinguistics 2006
講演・口頭発表等 (6件):
The Online Psycholinguistics Experiment - the case of language production
(Kansai Circle of Psycholinguistics 於:甲南大学(オンライン) 2021)
The Dynamic Characteristics in the L2 Mental Lexicon
(Mental Architecture for Processing and Learning of Language conference 於:甲南大学 2019)
Modelling the L2 Mental Lexicon - a preliminary study -
(第55回関西心理言語学会 於:関西学院大学 2019)
Priming the Production of Metonymic Expression
(CUNY for Human Sentence Processing 2018 於:カリフォルニア州立大学デービス校、アメリカ(UC Davis, USA) 2018)
Priming the Metonymic Expression in Sentence Production
(The International Workshop in Language Production, 於:マックス・プランク心理言語学研究所、ナイメーヘン大学、オランダ(Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, University of Nijmegen, Netherlands) 2018)