Synthesis and application of nanosized composites using molecular assemplies as a template
Development of ceramic materials for high temperature thermoelectric conversion
Synthesis of highly ordered low-dimensional quantum structure in semiconductors and their photonic and electronic properties
論文 (166件):
HAGIWARA Takashi, SUEKUNI Koichiro, LEMOINE Pierric, PRESTIPINO Carmelo, ELKAIM Erik, SUPKA Andrew R, AL ORABI Rabih Al Rahal, FORNARI Marco, GUILMEAU Emmanuel, RAVEAU Bernard, et al. Pseudobinary approach to the discovery and design of copper-based sulfides. Chemistry of Materials. 2023. 35. 18. 7554-7563
Shota Hirayama, Koichiro Suekuni, Philipp Sauerschnig, Michihiro Ohta, Michitaka Ohtaki. Cu-S-based thermoelectric compounds with a sphalerite-derived disordered crystal structure. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 2022. 309. 122960-122960
Katsuaki Hashikuni, Koichiro Suekuni, Hidetomo Usui, Raju Chetty, Michihiro Ohta, Toshiro Takabatake, Michitaka Ohtaki. A comparative study of thermoelectric Cu2TrTi3S8 (Tr = Co and Sc) thiospinels: Enhanced Seebeck coefficient via electronic structure modification. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2021. 871
Yuta Shimizu, Koichiro Suekuni, Hikaru Saito, Pierric Lemoine, Emmanuel Guilmeau, Bernard Raveau, Raju Chetty, Michihiro Ohta, Toshiro Takabatake, Michitaka Ohtaki. Synergistic Effect of Chemical Substitution and Insertion on the Thermoelectric Performance of Cu26V2Ge6S32 Colusite. Inorganic Chemistry. 2021. 60. 15. 11364-11373
Michitaka Ohtaki. Nanostructured oxide thermoelectric materials with enhanced phonon scattering. Oxide Thin Films, Multilayers, and Nanocomposites. 2015. 107-122
Nguyen Viet Long, Cao Minh Thi, Masayuki Nogami, Michitaka Ohtaki. Pt and Pd based catalysts with novel alloy and core-shell nanostructures for practical applications in next fuel cells: Patents and highlights. Recent Patents on Materials Science. 2012. 5. 3. 175-190
Michitaka Ohtaki. Oxide Thermoelectric Materials for Heat-to-electricity Direct Energy Conversion. 2010
Novel Pt and Pd Based Core-Shell Catalysts with Critical New Issues of Heat Treatment, Stability and Durability for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells and Direct Methanol Fuel Cells, in Heat Treatment
InTech 2012
Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance of Porous SrTiO3 with Exsolved Ni Nanoparticles
(Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical & Solid-State Science (PRiME2020) 2020)