Yigang Shen, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Hironori Yamazoe, Shunsuke Furutani, Hidenori Nagai, Takayuki Kawai, Yo Tanaka. Flow analysis on microcasting with degassed polydimethylsiloxane micro-channels for cell patterning with cross-linked albumin. PLOS ONE. 2020. 15. 5. e0232518-e0232518
Izumi Kubo, Mitsutoshi Kajiya, Narumi Aramaki, Shunsuke Furutani. Detection of Salmonella Enterica in Egg Yolk by PCR on a Microfluidic Disc Device Using Immunomagnetic Beads. Sensors. 2020. 20. 4. 1060-1060
Izumi Kubo, Shunsuke Furutani. Compact disc-type biosensor devices and their applications. Chemical, Gas, and Biosensors for Internet of Things and Related Applications. 2019. 223-235
2014/05 - Analytical Sciences Hot Article Award Rapid and Highly Sensitive Detection by a Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction Using a Chip Coated with Its Reagents
2011/09 - Single Cell Analysis Summit 2011 Best Poster Award Cell isolation and cell-direct RT-PCR on a compact disk (CD)-shaped device
2009/12 - 大学コンソーシアム八王子 優秀賞 ハイスループットな細胞の単離・検出ツールの開発.~Comact Disk (CD)型デバイスを用いた細胞の単離と単一細胞からの固有遺伝子の検出~