Error Bounds for large linear systems
(The International Workshop on Numerical Verification and its Applications 2017 2017)
Improved Extraction Scheme for Accurate Floating-point Summation
(The 35th JSST Annual Conference: International Conference on Simulation Technology 2016)
Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Fundamental Science and Engineering Research Associate
委員歴 (1件):
2014 - 日本応用数理学会 学生会員
受賞 (2件):
2011/12 - The Second International Conference on Networking and Computing 2011 Best Paper Award Performance Evaluation of Power-aware Multi-tree Ethernet for HPC Interconnects
2010/09 - Scilab Toolbox Japan Contest 2010 最優秀賞(学生カテゴリ) PolygonEig