Yasuhisa Kobayashi, Tsuyoshi Mototani, Tatsuya Sakamoto. Histological evidence and the existence of the cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme of the diminutive testis of the robust tonguefish Cynoglossus robustus (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae). International Aquatic Research. 2024
Takanori Ikenaga, Tastufumi Nakamura, Tatsushi Tajiri, Minaki Tsuji, Dai-ichiro Kato, Toshinao Ineno, Yasuhisa Kobayashi, Naoaki Tsutsui, Sadao Kiyohara. Diversity and evolution of serotonergic cells in taste buds of elasmobranchs and ancestral actinopterygian fish. Cell and Tissue Research. 2023. 394. 3. 431-439
Kobayashi, Y, Keyamura, O, Lokman, M. P, Chuda, H. Induction of precocious sex reversal in aquaculture: effects of methyltestosterone treatment on gonadal sex of yearling longtooth grouper (Epinephelus bruneus). International Journal of Aquatic Biology. 2023. 11. 6. 571-576
Akira Kanamori, Yasuhisa Kobayashi. Gamete-exporting organs of vertebrates: dazed and confused. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology. 2023. 11. 1328024-1328024