J-GLOBAL ID:201801003496933297   更新日: 2024年02月01日

品川 勉

シナガワ ツトム | Shinagawa Tsutomu
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 2022 - 2025 水溶液プロセスによる三元系銅酸化物半導体の直接成膜
  • 2009 - 2011 金属-絶縁物同時無電解析出法による金属-絶縁物ナノコンポジット薄膜の作製
論文 (103件):
  • Ryutaro Miura, Ryusuke Yuasa, Tsutomu Shinagawa, Kazuhiro Fukami, Kuniaki Murase. Relationship between Copper(II)-Lactate Complexes and Cu2O Electrodeposited Using Highly Concentrated Alkaline Solutions. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 2023. 170. 9. 092508-092508
  • Shinichi Yamamoto, Ryoga Yokoyama, kosuke Imahori, Pei Loon Khoo, Natsuko Asano, Shunsuke Asahina, Tsutomu Shinagawa, Masanobu Izaki. Photoelectrochemical Fabrication of CuO-Cu2O Nanocomposite Semiconductors by High-Frequency Potential-Switching in Copper(II)-Tartrate Complex Aqueous Solution and the Energy Band Structures. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 2023
  • Tsutomu Shinagawa, Wataru Tachibori, Tomoya Nishii, Atsushi Ohtaka. One-pot hydrothermal synthesis of orientated delafossite CuFeO2 films from a mildly acidic solution on substrates. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2023
  • Tsutomu Shinagawa, Natsuko Kotobuki, Atsushi Ohtaka. Oriented growth of stacking α-cobalt hydroxide salt continuous films and their topotactic-like transformation to oriented mesoporous films of Co3O4 and CoO. Nanoscale Advances. 2023
  • Tsutomu Shinagawa, Masaya Chigane, Masanari Takahashi. Single-Orientation Nanoporous NiO Films: Spontaneous Evolution from Dense Low-Crystalline Ni(OH)x Films. Crystal Growth & Design. 2022. 22. 7. 4122-4132
MISC (27件):
学位 (1件):
  • 博士(工学) (京都大学)
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