Natsu Katayama, Satoshi Koi, Akira Sassa, Tetsuya Kurata, Ryoko Imaichi, Masahiro Kato, Tomoaki Nishiyama. Elevated mutation rates underlie the evolution of the aquatic plant family Podostemaceae. Communications Biology. 2022. 5. 1. 75-75
Koi Satoshi, Uniyal Prem Lal, Kato Masahiro. A classification of the aquatic Podostemaceae subfamily Tristichoideae, with a new genus based on ITS and matK phylogeny and morphological characters. TAXON. 2022
Masahiro Kato, Natsu Katayama, Satoshi Koi. Comparative morphology and evolution of Podostemaceae flower. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica. 2022
Satoshi Koi, Prem Lal Uniyal, Masahiro Kato. A classification of the aquatic Podostemaceae subfamily Tristichoideae with a new genus based on ITS and matK phylogeny and morphological characters. Taxon. 2022
Gene expression analysis of aquatic angiosperms podostemaceae to gain insight into the evolution of their enigmatic morphology
Humana Press・Plant Organogenesis 2012 ISBN:9781627032209