J-GLOBAL ID:201801006590910402
更新日: 2021年10月20日
棚橋 邦明
Tanahashi Kuniaki
論文 (18件):
Motomura K, Chalise L, Ohka F, Aoki K, Tanahashi K, Hirano M, Nishikawa T, Wakabayashi T, Natsume A. Supratotal Resection of Diffuse Frontal Lower Grade Gliomas with Awake Brain Mapping, Preserving Motor, Language, and Neurocognitive Functions. World neurosurgery. 2018. 119. 30-39
Motomura K, Sumita K, Chalise L, Nishikawa T, Tanahashi K, Ohka F, Aoki K, Hirano M, Nakamura T, Matsushita T, et al. Characterization of Intraoperative Motor Evoked Potential Monitoring for Surgery of the Pediatric Population with Brain Tumors. World neurosurgery. 2018. 119. e1052-e1059
Hirano M, Ohka F, Maeda S, Chalise L, Yamamichi A, Aoki K, Kato A, Tanahashi K, Motomura K, Nishimura Y, et al. A novel high-sensitivity assay to detect a small fraction of mutant IDH1 using droplet digital PCR. Brain tumor pathology. 2018. 35. 2. 97-105
Yamamichi A, Ohka F, Aoki K, Suzuki H, Kato A, Hirano M, Motomura K, Tanahashi K, Chalise L, Maeda S, et al. Immunohistochemical ATRX expression is not a surrogate for 1p19q codeletion. Brain tumor pathology. 2018. 35. 2. 106-113
Fumiharu Ohka, Akane Yamamichi, Michihiro Kurimoto, Kazuya Motomura, Kuniaki Tanahashi, Hiromichi Suzuki, Kosuke Aoki, Shoichi Deguchi, Lushun Chalise, Masaki Hirano, et al. A novel all-in-one intraoperative genotyping system for IDH1-mutant glioma. BRAIN TUMOR PATHOLOGY. 2017. 34. 2. 91-97
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