Shingo Takahashi, Daishi Takahashi, Yuki Kuroiwa, Noriko Sakurai, Naoki Kodama. Construction and evaluation of a neurofeedback system using finger tapping and near-infrared spectroscopy. Frontiers in Neuroimaging. 2024. 3
Shingo Takahashi, Daishi Takahashi, Takuro Tamura, Hitoshi Matsuo, Naoki Kodama. Comparison of Cerebral Blood Volume during Cold and Warm Stimulation in Elderly and Young Subjects. Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering. 2022
Sakurai Noriko, Shingo Takahashi, Daishi Takahashi, Kodama Naoki. The Usefulness of Bone Suppression Image-Based Temporal Subtraction Processing for the Improvement of Lung Nodule Detection on Chest Radiograph Images. Journal of JART English edition 2021. 2021. 28-35