J-GLOBAL ID:201801020569236079   更新日: 2024年09月04日

奥村 史朗

オクムラ シロウ | Okumura Shiro
職名: 専門研究員
ホームページURL (1件): http://www.fitc.pref.fukuoka.jp/
研究分野 (1件): 動物生命科学
論文 (26件):
  • Shiro Okumura, Yoshiharu Ohsato. A novel rapid detection method for a single-nucleotide substitution mutation derived from canine urothelial and prostatic carcinoma cells present in small amounts in urine sediments. PloS one. 2023. 18. 9. e0286229
  • Haruka Nagai, Kanji Tomioka, Shiro Okumura. Optimal Conditions for the Asymmetric Polymerase Chain Reaction for Detecting Food Pathogenic Bacteria Using a Personal SPR Sensor. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2018. 1-15
  • Syuji Shigyo, Kanji Tomioka, Shiro Okumura. Development of an Ultra-sensitive Detection Method for Genetically Modified Soybeans in Natto, a Traditional Japanese Fermented Food. Food Science and Technology Research. 2018. 24. 6. 1121-1128
  • Toshihiko Akiba, Shiro Okumura. Parasporins 1 and 2: Their structure and activity. JOURNAL OF INVERTEBRATE PATHOLOGY. 2017. 142. 44-49
  • Keisuke Ekino, Shiro Okumura, Tomoyuki Ishikawa, Sakae Kitada, Hiroyuki Saitoh, Tetsuyuki Akao, Takuji Oka, Yoshiyuki Nomura, Michio Ohba, Takashi Shin, et al. Response to Leopoldo Palma. Comments on Ekino et al. Cloning and Characterization of a Unique Cytotoxic Protein Parasporin-5 Produced by Bacillus thuringiensis A1100 Strain. Toxins 2014, 6, 1882-1895. TOXINS. 2015. 7. 12. 5096-5097
特許 (5件):
書籍 (2件):
  • 食品酵素化学の最新技術と応用〈2〉展開するフードプロテオミクス (バイオテクノロジーシリーズ)
    シーエムシー出版 2018 ISBN:4781312829
  • 初めての酵素化学 (一般書)
    シーエムシー 2016 ISBN:4781311482
学位 (1件):
  • 農学博士 (京都大学)
所属学会 (3件):
酵素工学研究会 ,  日本生化学会 ,  日本農芸化学会
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