Toshihiro Kurahashi, Chiyoko Nishime, Eiko Nishinaka, Yuji Komaki, Fumiko Seki, Koji Urano, Yoshinori Harada, Toshikazu Yoshikawa, Ping Dai. Transplantation of Chemical Compound-Induced Cells from Human Fibroblasts Improves Locomotor Recovery in a Spinal Cord Injury Rat Model. International journal of molecular sciences. 2023. 24. 18
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Takujiro Homma, Toshihiro Kurahashi, Naoki Ishii, Nobuyuki Shirasawa, Junichi Fujii. Testis-specific peroxiredoxin 4 variant is not absolutely required for spermatogenesis and fertility in mice. Scientific reports. 2020. 10. 1. 17934-17934