J-GLOBAL ID:201901012949087810   更新日: 2022年11月06日

ウィン ニーニー

Win Ni Ni
研究分野 (1件): 分子生物学
研究キーワード (5件): marine algae ,  evolutionary history ,  molecular phylogeny ,  biodiversity ,  taxonomy
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 2021 - 2023 Elucidation of calcareous algal species diversity and distribution patterns of the Indo-Pacific: evaluation of the environmental effects
  • 2017 - 2018 Kyushu University QR Program (Qdai-jump Research Program)
論文 (23件):
講演・口頭発表等 (14件):
  • Taxonomic assessment of the brown algal genus Dictyota (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) based on morphological and molecular analyses, with a focus on Japanese species
    (The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Phycology (JSP) 2022)
  • One of the only two calcareous genera in brown algae, Padina: new insights into current systematics, global species diversity, and geographical distribution
    (奈良女子大学 2019)
  • One of only two calcareous genera in brown algae, Padina: new insights into current systematics, global species diversity and geographical distribution
    (2019年度「藻類談話会」 2019)
  • Molecular phylogeny and phylogeography of marine algae with special emphasis on systematics, biodiversity, geographical distribution and their correlations with the environment
    (UIN Islamic State University, Jakarta, Indonesia 2019)
  • Phylogenetic and morphological studies of the brown algal genus Padina (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae): new insights into global species diversity and geographical distribution, with the confirmation of four new species
    (The 2nd Diversity Symposium for Women Scientists, Kyushu University, Japan 2019)
学歴 (2件):
  • 2006 - 2009 Kobe University Department of Biology Ph.D
  • 1996 - 1999 Mawlamyine University, Myanmar Department of Marine Science Master of Science (M.Sc)
学位 (3件):
  • Ph.D (Kobe University, Japan)
  • M.Sc (Marine Science) (Mawlamyine University, Myanmar)
  • B.Sc (Hons.)(Marine Science) (Mawlamyine University, Myanmar)
経歴 (4件):
  • 2016/07 - 現在 Kyushu University Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory Assistant Professor
  • 2012/04 - 2014/03 Tokyo University Department of Life Science (Biology) Research Assistant
  • 2009/04 - 2011/03 Kobe University Kobe University Research Center for Inland Seas Postdoctoral fellow
  • 1998/08 - 2004/02 Mawlamyine University, Myanmar Department of Marine Science Lecturer
受賞 (5件):
  • 2012/07 - The Japanese Society of Phycology Research Encouraging Price
  • 2012 - Japanese Society of Phycology, Japan Research Encouraging Prize
  • 2005 - Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan Monbukagasho Scholarship Award
  • 2004 - Asia Science and Education for Economic Development Institute (AsiaSeed), Japan Asian Youth Fellowship Award
  • 1997 - Ministry of Higher Education (Myanmar) The Best Student Award (Marine Science)
所属学会 (7件):
藻類学会 ,  The International Phycological Society ,  植物学会 ,  Society for Coastal Ecosystems Studies-Asia Pacific ,  Society for Coastal Ecosystems Studies - Asia Pacific (SCESAP) ,  Phycological Society of America ,  日本藻類学会
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