E. Mocchiutti, V. Bonvicini, R. Carbone, M. Danailov, E. Furlanetto, K. S. Gadedjisso-Tossou, D. Guffanti, C. Pizzolotto, A. Rachevski, L. Stoychev, et al. First FAMU observation of muon transfer from μp atoms to higher-Z elements. Journal of Instrumentation. 2018. 13. 2. 02019
A. D. Hillier, J. S. Lord, K. Ishida, C. Rogers. Muons at ISIS. Philosophical Transactions Royal Society A. 2018. 377. 20180064
K.L. Brown, C.P.J. Stockdale, H. Luo, X. Zhao, J.-H. Li, D. Viehland, G. Xu, P.M. Gehring, K. Ishida, A.D. Hillier, et al. Depth dependent element analysis of PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 using muonic X-rays. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2018. 30. 125703
Proton Zemach radius measurement by the hyperfine splitting of muonic hydrogen
(Fifth Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Divisions of the American Physical Society and the Physical Society of Japan, Hawaii, USA 2018)
(日本物理学会第73回年次大会 2018)
Muon g-2/EDM experiment at J-PARC
(The 19th international workshop on neutrinos from accelerators (NUFACT2017), Uppsala 2017)
学位 (1件):
経歴 (2件):
1985 - 理化学研究所
1985 - 特定国立研究開発法人理化学研究所
所属学会 (5件):
, 日本原子力学会
, 日本物理学会
, Atomic Energy Society of Japan
, The Physical Society of Japan