研究キーワード (2件):
, stochastic quantum field theory
競争的資金等の研究課題 (6件):
2001 - 量子力学の幾何学的側面
2001 - 格子上のWigner関数
2001 - Geometric aspect of quantum mechanics
2001 - Wigner function on a lattice
1983 - 量子確率過程
1983 - quantum stochasitc process
論文 (12件):
Hashimoto, T., Horibe, M., Hayashi, A. Simple criterion for local distinguishability of generalized Bell states in prime dimension. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 2021. 103. 5
D. Watanabe, T. Hashimoto, M. Horibe, A. Hayashi. Covariant projective representation of symplectic group on discrete phase space. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2019. 1194. 1. 012112
Covariant Projective Representation of Symplectic Group on Discrete Phase Space
(The 32nd International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (Group32) 2018)
(日本物理学会 第73回年次大会 2018)
Klein 群上の Weyl 面の特徴付け
(2017 年度日本物理学会北陸支部定例学術講演会 2017)