2003 - 2006 A Study on the Empty Categories in Conceptual Structures
2002 - 2006 意味論と統語論のインターフェース
2002 - 2006 Interface between Semantics and Syntax
1999 - 2006 使役の連鎖と交替現象
1999 - 2006 Causal Chain and Alternation Phenomena
MISC (38件):
An Exploration into Action: The Case of Sound Emission Verbs. 言語文化研究. 2004. 29
An Exploration into Action: The Case of Sound Emission Verbs. Studies in Language and Culture. 2004. 29
Verb meaning vs. construction meaning: the cases of hit, spray and load (S. Iwata, A Lexical Network Approach to Verbal Semantics). English Linguistics. 2001. 18. 2. 27
Verb meaning vs. construction meaning: the cases of hit, spray and load (S. Iwata, A Lexical Network Approach to Verbal Semantics). English Linguistics. 2001. 18. 2. 27
A Study on the Linkings between the Semantics and Syntax of Fake Object Constructions
話題源 英語上
東京法令出版 1989
講演・口頭発表等 (2件):
On Janus-headed Intransitivity and the Ergativization of the Verb: A Cognitive View based on English Sound Emission Verbs
(CLDC2014 (第7回言語、談話、認知に関する国際会議) 2014)
What Triggers the Difference between Externally and Internally Caused Eventualities?: A Probe into the Conceptual Structure of Sound Emission Verbs
(第11回認知言語学会 2011)