J-GLOBAL ID:200901007258494981
更新日: 2020年09月01日
渡邉 卓朗
ワタナベ タクロウ | Watanabe Takuro
国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所 計量標準総合センター 物質計測標準研究部門 ガス・湿度標準研究グループ
国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所 計量標準総合センター 物質計測標準研究部門 ガス・湿度標準研究グループ について
「国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所 計量標準総合センター 物質計測標準研究部門 ガス・湿度標準研究グループ」ですべてを検索
ホームページURL (1件):
研究分野 (1件):
研究キーワード (4件):
, 標準物質
, Volatile Organic Compounds
, Standard Materials
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
Research & development of standard materials
論文 (18件):
Watanabe T, Sasaki T, Yoshimura T, Narukami S, Shimosaka T. Application and validation of a determination method using post-column reaction gas chromatography of nitrogen-containing organic compounds. Analytical Sciences. 2018. 34. 7. 853-857
Takuro Watanabe, Tsuneaki Maeda. SI-traceable Determination of the Concentrations of a Hydrocarbons Gas Mixture by Using Post-column Reaction Gas Chromatography. BUNSEKI KAGAKU. 2016. 65. 4. 221-228
Kazuhiro Tsuboi, Hidekazu Matsueda, Yousuke Sawa, Yosuke Niwa, Masaomi Takahashi, Shinya Takatsuji, Teruo Kawasaki, Takuya Shimosaka, Takuro Watanabe, Kenji Kato. Scale and stability of methane standard gas in JMA and comparison with MRI standard gas. Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics. 2016. 66. 15-24
Jessica P. Garzon, Jose I. Huertas, Miguel Magana, Maria E. Huertas, Beatriz Cardenas, Takuro Watanabe, Tsuneaki Maeda, Shinji Wakamatsu, Salvador Blanco. Volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere of Mexico City. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. 2015. 119. 415-429
Taichi Yamazaki, Takuro Watanabe, Satoe Nakamura, Kenji Kato. Purity Determination of Acetaldehyde in an Acetaldehyde Certified Reference Material. ANALYTICAL SCIENCES. 2015. 31. 6. 463-468
MISC (7件):
N Matsumoto, T Watanabe, K Kato. Analytical methods of dinitrogen-monoxide in high-purity nitrogen-monoxide CRM: effect of matrix mismatching between reference gas mixture and sample gas, and, long-term stability. ACCREDITATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE. 2006. 11. 4. 199-204
Development of a Precise Method for the Quantitative Analysis of Hydrocarbons Using Post-Column Reaction Capillary Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detection. CHROMATOGRAPHY. 2006. 27. 2. 49-55
Nobuhiro Matsumoto, Takuro Watanabe, Kenji Kato. Effect of moisture adsorption/desorption on external cylinder surfaces: Influence on gravimetric preparation of reference gas mixtures. Accreditation and Quality Assurance. 2005. 10. 7. 382-385
N Matsumoto, T Watanabe, M Maruyama, Y Horimoto, T Maeda, K Kato. Development of mass measurement equipment using an electronic mass-comparator for gravimetric preparation of reference gas mixtures. METROLOGIA. 2004. 41. 3. 178-188
K Inagaki, A Takatsu, T Watanabe, T Kuroiwa, Y Aoyagi, K Okamoto. Certification of mono-, di-, and tributyltin compounds in marine sediment certified reference material by species-specific isotope dilution mass spectrometric analysis using synthesized Sn-118-labeled butyltins. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 2004. 378. 5. 1265-1270
所属学会 (3件):
, 日本分析化学会
, The Chemical Society of Japan
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