J-GLOBAL ID:200901007328395404
更新日: 2020年08月28日
横須賀 宏之
ヨコスカ ヒロユキ | Yokosuka Hiroyuki
日本歯科大学 新潟生命歯学部 解剖学第2講座
日本歯科大学 新潟生命歯学部 解剖学第2講座 について
「日本歯科大学 新潟生命歯学部 解剖学第2講座」ですべてを検索
研究分野 (2件):
, 解剖学
研究キーワード (4件):
, 口腔粘膜
, Ultrastructure
, Oral mucosa
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
Ultrastructure of the oral mucosa
論文 (10件):
Ichiro Sasagawa, Mikio Ishiyama, Hiroyuki Yokosuka, Masato Mikami, Hitoyata Shimokawa, Takashi Uchida. Immunohistochemical and Western blot analyses of collar enamel in the jaw teeth of gars, Lepisosteus oculatus, an actinopterygian fish. CONNECTIVE TISSUE RESEARCH. 2014. 55. 3. 225-233
Yuki Ibira, Hiroyuki Yokosuka, Maiko Haga-Tsujimura, Sumio Yoshie. Occurrence of gustducin-immunoreactive cells in von Ebner's glands of guinea pigs. HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY. 2013. 140. 5. 567-574
I. Sasagawa, H. Yokosuka, M. Ishiyama, M. Mikami, H. Shimokawa, T. Uchida. Fine structural and immunohistochemical detection of collar enamel in the teeth of Polypterus senegalus, an actinopterygian fish. CELL AND TISSUE RESEARCH. 2012. 347. 2. 369-381
Tomoko Nashida, Akane Imai, Hiromi Shimomura, Sumio Yoshie, Hiroyuki Yokosuka, Masahiko Kumakura. Unstimulated amylase secretion is proteoglycan-dependent in rat parotid acinar cells. ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS. 2008. 469. 2. 165-173
Yasuhiro Ohkubo, Hiroyuki Yokosuka, Masahiko Kamakura, Sumio Yoshie. Existence of subtypes of gustducin-immunoreactive cells in the vallate taste bud of guinea pigs. ARCHIVES OF HISTOLOGY AND CYTOLOGY. 2007. 70. 5. 291-296
MISC (8件):
The existence of Na
-ATP ase-immunareactive cells in the pharyngeal villiform-papilla epithelium of the soft-shelled turtle, Trionyx sinensis japonicus. Archives of Histology and Cytology. 2000. 63. 3. 285-289
Hiroyuiki Yokosuka, Takuro Murakami, Mikio Ishiyama, Sumio Yoshie, Tsuneo Fujita. The vascular supply of the villiform processes in the pharynx of the soft-shelled turtle, Trionyx sinensis japonicus. A scanning electron microscopic study of corrosion casts. Archives of Histology and Cytology. 2000. 63. 2. 193-198
Villiform processes in the pharynx of the soft-shelled turtles, Trionyx sinensis japonicus, functioning as a respiratory and presumably saut uptaking organ in the mater. Archives of Histology and Cytology. 2000. 63. 2. 181-192
Sumio YOSHIE, Hiroyuki YOKOSUKA, Hiroaki KANAZAWA, Tsuneo FUJITA. The existence of Merkel cells in the lingual connective tissue of the surinum caiman ┣DBCaiman crocodilus crocodilus(/)-┫DB (order crocodilia). Archives of Histology and Cytology. 1999. 62. 1. 97-106
An Anatomical Study of the Connective tissue in Human Dental Pulp. ODONTOLOGY. 1996. 84. 2. 239-254
学歴 (4件):
- 1994 日本歯科大学 歯学研究科 解剖学
- 1994 日本歯科大学
- 1990 日本歯科大学 歯学部 歯学科
- 1990 日本歯科大学
学位 (1件):
博士(歯学) (日本歯科大学)
経歴 (4件):
2012 - 現在 日本歯科大学 准教授
2000 - 2011 日本歯科大学 講師
1994 - 2000 日本歯科大学 助手
1994 - 2000 Nippon Dental University, Research Assistant
所属学会 (4件):
, 歯科基礎医学会
, 日本歯科大学歯学会
, 日本解剖学会
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