Ichiro Furukawa, Chungji Jin, Assarut Nuttapol, Donghu Hahna, Ming-Hung Kao, Zhuomin Shi. “Why We Buy What We Do Not Want To Buy? Effect Of Filed Pressure On Willingness To Buy In Face To Face Service Encounter” (共著). Journal of Marketing Thought. 2014. 1. 1. 1-11
Evolution or Devolution? Retail Industry in Japan-Brand Power Perspectives for Last 11 Years
(KDA2012, Korea Distribution Academy 2012)
The Current Status and Issues of B2B Marketing in China, from the Perspective of Japanese SMEs
(2011 Annual Conference of China Marketing Science 2011)
"An Empirical Study on Face Need Effects on Advertising of Luxury"
(JMS中国営銷科学、2010 annual conference of Journal of Marketing Science(JMS) 2010)