J-GLOBAL ID:200901021592308113
更新日: 2020年05月23日
伊藤 稔
イトウ ミノル | MINORU ITOH
MISC (4件):
Masami Fujita, Minoru Itoh. Polarization dependence of the fundamental absorption edge and the Urbach rule in PbMoO4 crystals. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS. 2010. 247. 9. 2240-2243
Masami Fujita, Minoru Itoh. Polarization dependence of the fundamental absorption edge and the Urbach rule in PbMoO4 crystals. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS. 2010. 247. 9. 2240-2243
Minoru Itoh, Tsuyoshi Katagiri. Intrinsic Luminescence from Self-Trapped Excitons in Bi4Ge3O12 and Bi12GeO20: Decay Kinetics and Multiplication of Electronic Excitations. JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 2010. 79. 7. 074717
Minoru Itoh, Tsuyoshi Katagiri. Intrinsic Luminescence from Self-Trapped Excitons in Bi4Ge3O12 and Bi12GeO20: Decay Kinetics and Multiplication of Electronic Excitations. JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 2010. 79. 7. 074717
経歴 (1件):
信州大学 工学部 工学部 電気電子工学科 知覚工学 教授
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