Masanobu Mori, Tsuyoshi Sugita, Kengo Fujii, Taiki Yamazaki, Mayu Isaka, Kentaro Katayama, Shinji Iwamoto, Hideyuki Itabashi. Evaluation of the Photocatalytic Activity by Variation of Conductivity and Dimethyl Sulfoxide: Photocatalytically Active TiO2-coated Wire Mesh Prepared via a Double-layer Coating Method. Analytical Sciences. 2018. 46. 3. 307-309
Takeo Masuda, Tsunenori Watanabe, Hiroshi Deguchi, Hiroyoshi Kanai, Shinji Iwamoto. “XAFS analysis of structures of active sites in gamma-Ga2O3-Al2O3 prepared by the reverse strike coprecipitation”. SPring-8 User Experiment Report 2007B. 2007. 1937
Visible-light sensitive photocatalytic activity of iron- and phosphorus-modified TiO2 with rutile structur
(The 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT8) 2018)
Pore structure of TiO2-modified ZrO2 particles prepared by the glycothermal method
(The 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT8) 2018)