Daniel Concepcion, Hiroshi Hamada, Virginia E. Papaioannou. Tbx6 controls left-right asymmetry through regulation of Gdf1. Biology Open. 2018. 7. 5
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Sensing the fluid flow by immotile cilia for left-right symmetry breaking in the mouse embryo
(the Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Cilia & Centrosomes 2019)
Role of Wnt-PCP Signaling in Positioning of the Basal Body for Left-Right Symmetry Breaking
(2019 Wnt Signaling Networks in Development, Disease and Regeneration 2019)
Sensing the fluid low by immotile cilia for left-right symmetry breaking in the mouse embryo
(FASEB 2019 The Biology of Cilia and Flagella Conference 2019)
Cilia-dependent and independent mechanisms for left-right symmetry breaking among vertebrates
(Hunter Meeting Australia 2019)
Cilia-dependent and independent mechanisms for left-right symmetry breaking among vertebrates
(InSDB Biennial Meeting 2018 2018)