Asako Miura, Aya Murayama, Hideya Kitamura. Behind the Mask: Analyzing the Dual Influence of Social Norms on Pandemic Behavior in Japan. Japanese Psychological Research. 2024
Aífe Hopkins-Doyle, Aino L. Petterson, Stefan Leach, Hannah Zibell, Phatthanakit Chobthamkit, Sharmaine Binti Abdul Rahim, Jemima Blake, Cristina Bosco, Kimberley Cherrie-Rees, Ami Beadle, et al. The Misandry Myth: An Inaccurate Stereotype About Feminists’ Attitudes Toward Men. Psychology of Women Quarterly. 2023
Aya Murayama, Asako Miura. Religiosity and Immanent Justice Reasoning: A Replication Study in Japan and the U.S. Japanese Psychological Research. 2023. 65. 2. 182-189
Aya Murayama, Asako Miura, Kaichiro Furutani. Cross-cultural comparison of engagement in ultimate and immanent justice reasoning. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. 2022. 25. 3. 476-488
Murayama Aya, Miura Asako. 〈Articles〉Utilizing Eye Tracker to Measure Gaze Behavior in Dyadic Conversations: The Role of Social Skill and Conversation Topics. Journal of International Studies. 2016. 1. 99-107