研究キーワード (2件):
, public health and health sciences
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
Genetic and environmental factors determining health behavior and health status
Genetic factors determining drinking behavior and their effects on health status
論文 (27件):
Michihiro Mutoh, Kenichi Yoshimura, Gen Fujii, Tomiyo Nakamura, Tatsuya Takeshita, Keiji Wakabayashi, Toshiyuki Sakai, Hideki Ishikawa. Very Long-Term Treatment with a Lactobacillus Probiotic Preparation, Lactobacillus casei Strain Shirota, Suppresses Weight Loss in the Elderly. Nutrients. 2020. 12. 6
Shiotani A, Ishikawa H, Mutoh M, Takeshita T, Nakamura T, Morimoto K, Sakai T, Wakabayashi K, Matsuura N. Impact of Diarrhea after Drinking on Colorectal Tumor Risk: A Case Control Study. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. 2019. 20. 3. 795-799
Shuhei Ohnishi, Nobuyuki Miyai, Miyoko Utsumi, Kanae Mure, Tatsuya Takeshita, Mitsuru Shiba, Mikio Arita. [Liver Fibrosis is Associated with Loss of Skeletal Muscle Mass in Community-Dwelling Older Adults with No History of Liver Diseases]. Nihon eiseigaku zasshi. Japanese journal of hygiene. 2019. 74
Mayumi Oka, Mio Yamamoto, Kanae Mure, Tatsuya Takeshita, Mikio Arita. Relationships between Lifestyle, Living Environments, and Incidence of Hypertension in Japan (in Men): Based on Participant's Data from the Nationwide Medical Check-Up. PLoS One. 2016. 11. 10. e0165313
Hashimoto Marowa, Watanabe Masutaka, Uematsu Yuji, Hattori Sonomi, Miyai Nobuyuki, Utsumi Miyoko, Oka Mayumi, Hayashida Mariko, Kinoshita Kenji, Arita Mikio, et al. Relationships of alcohol dehydrogenase 1B (ADH1B) and aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) genotypes with alcohol sensitivity, drinking behavior and problem drinking in Japanese older men. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. 2016. 21. 3. 138-148
Muroi A, Kiyotani K, Fujieda M, Ishikawa H, Takeshita T, Iwano S, Yamazaki H, Kamataki T. Effect of Genetic Polymorphism of CYP2A6 on Individual Susceptibility to Colorectal Tumors in Japanese Smokers. J Cancer Therapy. 2012. 3. 207-215