Hiroaki Yamada, Hiroto Miura, Yutaka Suzuki, Satoshi Koike, Shu Shimamoto, Yasuo Kobayashi. In vitro Effects of Cellulose Acetate on Fermentation Profiles, the Microbiome, and Gamma-aminobutyric Acid Production in Human Stool Cultures. Current Microbiology. 2023. 80. 9
Hiroe Takahashi, Yutaka Suzuki, Satoshi Haga, Satoshi Koike, Yasuo Kobayashi. Development of salivary IgA secretory ability in weaned calves. Advances in Animal Biosciences (Proceedings of the XIIIth International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology ISRP 2019). 2019. 10. 3. 518 (P45)
Yutaka Suzuki, Kanako Kubota, Hiroto Miura, Satoshi Haga, Sanggun Roh, Satoshi Koike, Yasuo Kobayashi. The effect of chemerin as a host-derived factor on intestinal microbial activity in calves. 2018 ASAS-CSAS Annual Meeting & Trade Show. 2018. 135
New feed additives for mitigating methane from ruminant livestock
(JIRCAS-NARO国際シンポジウム「農業分野における温室効果ガス排出」 @つくば国際会議場 2017)
Cashew byproduct as a new methane-inhibiting agent for ruminants: basics and applications
(The 4th International Symposium on Gastrointestinal Microbial Ecology and Functionality @Nanjing, China 2014)