Oral allergy syndrome to tomato fruit: Identification of tomato allergens and demonstration of their cross-reactive with those from Japanese cedar pollen. Ed. by Akihiro Morikawa JOMO Newspaper Co.,Ltd.
Current advances in pediatric asthma and other allergic diseases. 2002
果物・野菜・編著 中村 晋、飯倉洋治
最新 食物アレルギー、永井書店 2002
最新 食物アレルギー 2002
小児科診断マニュアル 2002
Oral allergy syndrome to tomato fruit: Identification of tomato allergens and demonstration of their cross-reactive with those from Japanese cedar pollen. Ed. by Akihiro Morikawa JOMO Newspaper Co.,Ltd.
Current advances in pediatric asthma and other allergic diseases. 2002