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The taxonomic study of Diphyllobothriid cestodes with special reference to Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense in Japan
Host Response to International Parasitic Zoonoses 1998
宍道湖・斐伊川流域環境フォーラム 1997
健康文化都市づくり-健康の政策科学 市町村・保健所活動からの政策づくり
医学書院 1997
Substrate channeling of NADH and binding of dehydrogenases to comlex I
Structural and Organizational Aspects of Metabolic Regulation, UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellul 1990
講演・口頭発表等 (83件):
Comparative analysis of the anxiety level of mothers in the Gomel region and Fukushima
(The 3rd International Symposium of the Network-type Joint Usage/Research Center for Radiation Disaster Medical Science 'Cooperative wisdom among communities for disaster preparedness and response' 2019)