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Yoko Tsurunaga, Tetsuya Takahashi. Evaluation of the Antioxidant Activity, Deodorizing Effect, and Antibacterial Activity of ‘Porotan’ Chestnut By-Products and Establishment of a Compound Paper. Foods. 2021. 10. 5. 1141-1141
Yoko Tsurunaga, Misaki Onda, Tetsuya Takahashi. Effect of heating methods on astringency recurrence, syneresis, and physical properties of persimmon paste. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2021
Tetsuya Takahashi, Makoto Hayashi, Yudai Watanabe, Hiroyuki Sadatomi, Kentaro Matsumoto, Eisaku Shono. Improving the adsorption performance and surface roughening of rayon fibers via enzymatic treatment with cellulase. Textile Research Journal. 2020. in press
高橋 哲也, 澁谷 恵子, 鶴永 陽子. 温湿度変化が蓄熱マイクロカプセルを付着させた高吸湿レーヨン不織布の吸湿発熱効果に及ぼす影響-Influence of Temperature and Humidity Changes on Hygroscopically Exothermic Effects of Highly Hygroscopic Rayon Nonwoven Fabrics with Thermal Storage Microcapsule Adhesion. 日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan / 日本家政学会 編. 2024. 75. 2. 46-55
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