J-GLOBAL ID:200901058664554492   更新日: 2021年02月18日

武田 晃治

Takeda Kouji
論文 (34件):
  • 武田晃治. 生物の色に着目した教材~カラフルザリガニの開発~. 食農と環境. 2019. 24. 67-69
  • 武田晃治, 緩利真奈美. FADの色調変化に着目した実験教材の開発. 日本教材学会. 2019. 30. 19-26
  • 武田晃治, 緩利真奈美, 實野雅太, 古庄律, 内野昌孝, 竹内将俊. 「農大版A-STEM教育プロジェクト」の研究・開発. 東京農業大学総合研究所紀要. 2019. 29. 58-63
  • Kimata, S, Mochizuki, D, Satoh, J, Kitano, K, Kanesaki, Y, Takeda, K, Abe, A, Kawasaki, S, Niimura, Y. Intercellular free flavin and its associated enzymes participate in oxygen and iron metabolism in Amphibacillus xylanus lacking a respiratory chain. FEBS Open Bio. 2018. 8. 6. 947-961
  • 武田晃治, 緩利真奈美. 「生物色素」に着目した理科教育カリキュラム及び教材開発. 日本科学教育学会年会論文集. 2017. 41. 261-262
MISC (2件):
講演・口頭発表等 (8件):
  • Free Flavin-Dependent and- Independent Reactions of Ferric Reductase from Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Organism
    (Flavi and Flavoproteins,2011 2011)
  • α-Ketoglutarate Can Serve As an Effective Precursor of the Neurotransmitter Pool of Glutamate
    (Society for Neuroscience Chicago 2009)
  • Two Types of Flavoemzymes Functional as Ferric Reductase which is possibly Involved in Fenton Reaction in the Presence or Absence of Free Flavin
    (Flavin and Flavoproteins,2008 2008)
  • NAD(P)H oxidoreductase responsible for Fenton reaction.
    (Flavin and Flavoproteins, 2005. 2005)
  • The NADH oxidase-Prx system functional as NADH oxidase and alkylhydroperoxide reductase. Protein interaction and physiological role in Amphibacillus.
    (Flavin and Flavoproteins, 2005. 2005)
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