Takuya Hayakawa, Jun Kobayashi. Improving EEG-based BCI Neural Networks for Mobile Robot Control by Bayesian Optimization (共著). Proceedings of The 2018 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics. 2018. 5. 1. 120-123
Jun KOBAYASHI. PBL Education in Department of Systems Design and Informatics (Creative Laboratory and Super PBL Project). Journal of Japan Society for Design Engineering. 2016. 51. 9. 620-625
Performance of Support Vector Machine and Multi-layered Neural Network for EEG-based BCI Mobile Robot Control
(2018 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics 2018)
Bayesian Optimization of Hyperparameters in Training Neural Networks for EEG-based Mobile Robot Control
(2018 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics 2018)
2008 - 2012 Assistant Professor,Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering,Kyushu Institute of Technology
2012 - 九州工業大学大学院情報工学研究院システム創成情報工学研究系 准教授
2012 - Associate Professor,Department of Systems Design and Informatics,Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering,Kyushu Institute of Technology
2000 - ビクトリア大学 客員研究員
2000 - Visiting Researcher,University of Victoria
委員歴 (1件):
2014 - 2016 計測自動制御学会 会計幹事
所属学会 (13件):
, 日本工学教育協会
, 日本機械学会
, 計測自動制御学会
, 日本ロボット学会
, Information Processing Society of Japan
, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers(SICE)
, The Robotics Society of Japan