Yumi Abe, Hitoshi Muramatsu, Seizi Sukemori. Methionine and threonine requirements of dutch rabbits fed under a cecotrophy prevention program. Open Journal of Animal Science. 2019. 9. 1. 163-172
Seize Sukemori, Satoshi Odo, Mitsuo Sato. Relationships between plasma L-carnitine levels and genetic characteristics of Japanese Black steers. Journal of Dairy & Veterinary Science. 2017. 4. 3. 1-4
Seizi Sukemori, Satoshi Odo. L-Carnitine contents in the tissues of rabbits fed urea as an alternative of dietary protein. Open Journal of Animal Science. 2016. 7. 1. 1-7
Seizi SUKEMORI, Shuhei IKEDA. Effects of dietary soybean hull supplementation to fattening pigs on the growth performance and ammonia gas emission from the extra. 日本畜産環境学会誌. 2016. 15. 1. 38-43