Bora Regions as Revealed by wind-shaped Trees on the Adriatic Coast
Local Wild Bora University of Tokyo Press 1976
Local Climatological Observations Made in the Ajdov(]E88F9[)(]E88EF[)ina Region of Slovenia, Yugoslavia
Local Wild Bora, University of Tokyo Press 1976
Local Climatological Observation of Bora in the Senj Region on the Croatian Coast
Local Wild Bora, University of Tokyo Press 1976
Works (10件):
2007 -
ベトナム メコンデルタにおける気候と水環境に関する研究
1995 -
A Study of the Climate and Water Environment in Mekong Delta, Vietnum
1995 -
1993 -
Regional Characteristics of Acid rain in the Northern Part of Chiba Prefecture
1993 -
, 日本地理学会
, Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment
, The Japanese Society of Snow and Ice
, The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
, Meteoroiogical Society of Japan
, The Association of Japanese Geographers