J-GLOBAL ID:200901080291623249
更新日: 2008年01月17日
サントソ ジョコ | Santoso Joko
研究キーワード (2件):
Fisheries Science(Fisheries Chemistry)
, 水産学(水産化学)
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
- インドネシア産海藻の成分ならびにその機能性に関する研究
- Studies on the composition and function of Indonesian seaweeds.
MISC (8件):
Storage Quality on Fresh Goouramy Meat in ice. Journal of Tokyo University of Fisheries. 1997. 83, 13-20
The Utilization of Gouramy Fish(┣DBOsphronemus gouramy(/)-┫DB in Making Fish Gel.(共著). Buletin Teknologi dan Industri Pangan. 1996. (]G0007[). 1. 9-15
Characterization of Functional Properties and Nutritional Value of Fish Protein Concentrate from Red Tillapia(┣DBOreochromis(/)-┫DB sp.).(共著). Buletin Teknologi Hasil Perikanan. 1996. (]G0002[). 1. 1-7
Optimation of Temperature and Boiling Time in Making Gel Formation from Carp Fish(┣DBCyprinus carpio(/)-┫DB).(共著). Buletin Persada. 1996. (]G0002[). 1. 1-8
The First Seminar on Fisheries Science Tropical Area with Special Reference to Post-Harvest Subject in 21st Century, in Semarang Nov. 30-Dec 1.(共著). Organized by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. 1995
書籍 (1件):
The Effects of Protein and Fat Sources in the Ration on the Composition of Brain Amino Acids and Fatty Acids and the Learning Ability of Rats.
Thesis Master at Food Science Study Program, Graduate Program, Bogor Agricultural University 1998
学歴 (4件):
- - 1998 ボゴール農業大学 水産学研究科 食品生化学
- - 1998 Bogor Agricultural University Graduate School, Division of Fisheries Food Biochemistry
- - 1990 ボゴール農業大学 農獣医学部 食品加工
- - 1990 Bogor Agricultural University Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Seiences Fisheries Products Processing
学位 (1件):
経歴 (2件):
- 1992 - - 講師
- 1992 - - Lecturer
所属学会 (1件):