Kaori Minehiro, Satoru Demura, Katsuhiro Ichikawa, Takeshi Sasagawa, Naoki Takahashi, Syuhei Minami, Hideki Murakami, Hiroyuki Tsuchiya. Dose Reduction Protocol for Full Spine X-ray Examination Using Copper Filters in Patients With Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Spine. 2019. 44. 3. 203-210
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Sangsin A, Murakami H, Shimizu T, Kato S, Tsuchiya H. Four-Year Survival of a Patient With Spinal Metastatic Acinic Cell Carcinoma After a Total En Bloc Spondylectomy and Reconstruction With a Frozen Tumor-Bearing Bone Graft. Orthopedics. 2018. 41. 5. e727-e730