1) Gurel, L.M., and L.Gurel, 1979.“Clothing Interest: Conceptualization and Measurement” Home Econ. Res. J., 7, No.5, pp.274-282.
2) Ibid., p.275
3) Creekmore, A.M., 1971. Methods of Measuring Clothing Variables, Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Project No.783, Michigan State University, East Lansing, pp.96-101.
4) Ibid., pp.96-97.
5) Fetterman, N. I. , 1968. “An Analysis of the Creekmore Scales of Eight Clothing Variables”, Unpublished M. A. Thesis, Michigan State University, East Lansing. この論文は直接入手しておらず, Creekmoreの上掲書 (Methods of Measuring Clothing Variables, pp. 97-98) によった.