Yusuke Endo, Yoshihide Kanai, Arito Yozu, Yasuto Kobayashi, Takashi Fukaya, Hirotaka Mutsuzaki. Influence of a Foot Insole for a Down Syndrome Patient with a Flat Foot: A Case Study. medicina. 2020. 56. 5. 219
Yoshihide Kanai, Hirotaka Mutsuzaki, Momoko Watanabe, Ryoko Takeuchi, Yuki Mataki, Yusuke Endo, Arito Yozu. Use of the malleoli as landmarks for flatfoot in patients with Down syndrome: development of a simple and non-invasive evaluation method on a medial longitudinal arch. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2020. 32. 5. 315-318
Substitutability of measuring the height of malleolus medialis and lateralis instead of navicular bone in evaluation of medial longitudinal arch in patients with Down syndrome
(13th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress 2019)
The relationship between the foot alignment and the age in patients with Down syndrome who have used an insole
(13th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress 2019)