Yoshikazu Giga, Hiroyoshi Mitake, Takeshi Ohtsuka, Hung Tran. Existence of asymptotic speed of solutions to birth and spread type nonlinear partial differential equations. Indiana University Mathematics Journal. 2021. 70. 1. 121-156
Tetsuya Ishiwata, Takeshi Ohtsuka. Numerical analysis of an ODE and a level set methods for evolving spirals by crystalline eikonal-curvature flow. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - S. 2021. 14. 3. 893-907
T. Ishiwata, T. Ohtsuka. Evolution of spiral-shaped polygonal curve by crystalline curvature flow with a pinned tip. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B. 2019. 24. 10. 5261-5295
T. Ohtsuka. Spatial Lipschitz continuity of viscosity solution to level set equation for evolving spirals by eikonal-curvature flow. Mathematics for Nonlinear Phenomena: Analysis and Computation, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 215. 2017. 241-260
T. Ohtsuka. Minimizing movement approach without using distance function for evolving spirals by the crystalline curvature with driving force. 数理解析研究所講究録 No. 2121 非線形発展方程式を基盤とする現象解析に向けた数学理論の展開. 2019. 74-87
T. Ohtsuka. Minimizing movement approach for spirals evolving by crystalline curvature using level set functions. Oberwolfach Reports. 2018. 14. 1. 314-317
A minimizing movement approach without using distance function for evolving spirals by crystalline curvature
(The 81st Fujihara Seminar “Mathematical Aspects for Interfaces and Free Boundaries” 2024)
Minimizing movement approachによる幻視スパイラル・ループの数値計算法
(2023年度 軽井沢グラフと解析研究集会 2023)