J-GLOBAL ID:201301034517204857   更新日: 2024年07月17日

望月 友貴

モチヅキ ユウキ | Mochizuki Yuuki
職名: 特任助教
研究分野 (5件): 反応工学、プロセスシステム工学 ,  触媒プロセス、資源化学プロセス ,  環境材料、リサイクル技術 ,  環境負荷低減技術、保全修復技術 ,  地球資源工学、エネルギー学
研究キーワード (3件): 環境化学 ,  触媒変換化学 ,  有機資源化学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (5件):
  • 2021 - 2024 バイオマス廃棄物からの有用原料と重金属吸着剤のコプロダクション法の開発
  • 2021 - 2023 リチウムイオンバッテリーからの有価元素回収法の開発
  • 2017 - 2019 細孔制御による劣質炭素資源の高効率アップグレーディング法の開発
  • 2014 - 2017 キーエレメントの化学構造に基づいた有機ハロゲン化合物の生成機構と排出制御法の確立
  • 2010 - 2012 塩化揮発法を用いた光学ガラスからのレアメタル回収プロセスの開発
論文 (83件):
  • Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi. Behavior of mercury release from iron ores during temperature-programmed heat treatment in air. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2021. 28. 46. 66496-66500
  • Yuuki Mochizuki, Javzandolgor Bud, Jiaqian Liu, Miki Takahashi, Naoto Tsubouchi. Mercury (II) ion adsorption performance of Cl-loaded carbonaceous material prepared by chlorination of pyrolyzed rice husk char. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. 2021. 305
  • Yuuki Mochizuki, Javzandolgor Bud, Jiaqian Liu, Miki Takahashi, Naoto Tsubouchi. Adsorption of phosphate from aqueous using iron hydroxides prepared by various methods. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. 2021. 9. 1
  • Yuuki Mochizuki, Miki Takahashi, Javzandolgor Bud, Yuting Wang, Naoto Tsubouchi. Strength and Gasification Reactivity of Coke Prepared by Blending a Ca/C Composite and Coal. ISIJ INTERNATIONAL. 2021. 61. 8. 2200-2210
  • Naoto Tsubouchi, Ryo Naganuma, Yuuki Mochizuki, Hideyuki Hayashizaki, Takahiro Shishido, Atul Sharma. Production of High-Strength Coke from Low-Quality Coals Chemically Modified with Thermoplastic Components. TETSU TO HAGANE-JOURNAL OF THE IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN. 2021. 107. 1. 15-23
MISC (34件):
  • Takahiro Kato, Kosuke Sakusabe, Yuuki Mochizuki, Hirokazu Okawa, Katsuyasu Sugawara. Regeneration of Spent Denitration Catalyst of Coal Fired Power Plant. 2019
  • Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi. Evolution of Mercury during Iron Ore Sintering. Abstracts of the 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress. 2019. APCChE2019 Web
  • Yuuki Mochizuki, Junpei Watanabe, Naoto Tsubouchi. Adsorptive Removal of Organic Sulfur from Hydrocarbon Liquid Model Fuel by Ni-Loaded Carbon Prepared from Lignite. Abstracts of the 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress. 2019. APCChE2019 Web
  • Naoto Tsubouchi, Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki. Release Behavior of Mercury during Iron Ore Sintering Process (Division of Environmental Chemistry). Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. 2019. 258
  • Naoto Tsubouchi, Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki. Dynamic Behavior of Mercury Release during Coal Carbonization and Iron Ore Sintering (Division of Environmental Chemistry). Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. 2019. 257
特許 (4件):
書籍 (1件):
  • レアメタル・希少金属リサイクル技術の最先端-ナノ・有機・メタラジーが広げるリサイクル技術 (フロンティアテクノシリーズ)
    フロンティア出版 2011 ISBN:4902410222
学位 (1件):
  • 博士(工学) (秋田大学)
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