Masamichi Kuroda, Noriko Azuma, Takafumi Fujimoto, Katsutoshi Arai. Development of a repetitive DNA marker for identification of the exotic large-scale loach introduced to Japan. Fisheries Science. 2023
Hiroyuki Matsumoto, Noriko Azuma, Susumu Chiba. Effects of heatwave events on the seagrass-dwelling crustacean Pandalus latirostris in a subarctic lagoon. Marine Environmental Research. 2023. 192. 106226-106226
Noriko Azuma, Masamichi Kuroda, Yuichi Katogi, Susumu Chiba. Genetic differentiation in Palaemon septemtrionalis between populations of two rivers examined by newly developed short tandem repeat markers. Crustacean Research. 2022. 51. 123-127
Genes,behaviors and evolution of social insects-Proceedings of 14th congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects,held in Sapporo,Japan/July 27-August 3,2002
北海道大学出版会 2003 ISBN:4832903179