J-GLOBAL ID:201401024477483938   更新日: 2021年10月27日

加藤 博己

Kato Hiroki
論文 (66件):
MISC (13件):
  • Funabiki M, Kato H, FujitaT. Autoimmunity and nephritis caused by MDA5 mutation depend on IPS-1. 10. 16-19 2012 The 34th Naito Conference on Infection, Immunity and their Control for Health: Mucosal Barrier, Pathogen and Vaccine, Sappor. 2012
  • Ng c-s, Kato H, Fujita T. Inhibition of virus-induced interferon gene activation through modulation of cytoplasmic stress granules by a viral protease. 16-19 2012 The 34th Naito Conference on Infection, Immunity and their Control for Health: Mucosal Barrier, Pathogen and Vaccine, Sapporo. 2012
  • Ng c-s, Kato H, FujitaT. Inhibition of virus-induced interferon responses through modulation of cytoplasmic stress granules by a viral protease. 23-24 2012 19th East Asia Joint Symposium on Biomedical Research: Molecular Understanding for Physiology and Pathology. Seoul, Korea. 2012
  • Watanabe T, Miyata N, Go S, Kato H, Fujita T. Recognition of Green Pepper dsRNA by Viral RNA Sensor. 2012.6.21 第77 回日本インターフェロン・サイトカイン学会学術集会 神戸. 2012
  • Yoo J-S, Kato H, Nagamine Y, Fujita T. 6 regulates innate immunity by mediating of PKR-RIG-I axis signaling pathway. 2012 6.21 第77 回日本インターフェロン・サイトカイン学会学術集会 神戸. 2012
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