NAGASHIMA, Naoki. Customer Satisfaction Model Revisited: Impact of Pre-Service Expectations and International Comparison. Proceedings for AMA GMSIG. 2024. 1-48
ベトナム人消費者の顧客経験:日本・インドとの比較. Proceedings to the 4th Vietman Japan Business Conference. 2024. 1-4
NAGASHIMA, Naoki. “International Comparison of Consumer Service's Satisfaction Structure Focusing on Prior Expectations”. Academy of Japan Business Studies Conference, July, 2022. 2022. 1-18
NAGASHIMA, Naoki. “Satisfaction Structure"of Consumer Services and its Intercultural Comparison: Empirical Study Focusing on Expectations and Overall Evaluation”. Academy of International Business US West Chapter, Proceedings,. 2022. 1-11