Guizani Mokhtar, Saito Megumi, Ito Ryusei, Funamizu Naoyuki. Combined FO and RO system for the recovery of energy from wastewater and the desalination of seawater. DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT. 2019. 154. 14-20
Guizani Mokhtar, Maeda Takeru, Ito Ryusei, Funamizu Naoyuki. Engineering of size-controlled magnetic nanoparticles for use as a draw solution in a forward osmosis process. DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT. 2019. 154. 21-29
Guizani Mokhtar, Yajima Kento, Kawaguchi Toshikazu, Ito Ryusei, Funamizu Naoyuki. Morphological, Chemical and Electrochemical Carbon Based and Nobel Metal Electrode Characterization for Use in Water Electrochemical Disinfection. RECENT ADVANCES IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE FROM THE EURO-MEDITERRANEAN AND SURROUNDING REGIONS, VOLS I AND II. 2018. 933-935
2017/12 - The 1st Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental > Integration (EMCEI) Springer best paper award Morphological, chemical and electrochemical carbon based and nobel metal electrodes characterization for use in water electrochemical disinfection