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Kazuhiro Ichihara, Tetsuya Ito, Toshio Saito. On constraints for knots to admit chirally cosmetic surgeries and their calculations. Pacific J. Math. 2022. 321. 1. 167-191
Kazuhiro Ichihara, Toshio Saito. Knots in homology lens spaces determined by their complements. Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2022. 59. 4. 869-877
Kazuhiro Ichihara, In Dae Jong, Thomas W Mattman, Toshio Saito. Two-bridge knots admit no purely cosmetic surgeries. Algebr. Geom. Topol. 2021. 21. 5. 2411-2424
Kazuhiro Ichihara, Tetsuya Ito, Toshio Saito. Chirally Cosmetic Surgeries and Casson Invariants. Tokyo J. Math. 2021. 44. 1. 1-24