Shigeki Kato, Shota Yoshiba, Shiro Mori, Tetsuya Kodama. Optimization of the delivery of molecules into lymph nodes using a lymphatic drug delivery system with ultrasound. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 2021. 597. 120324-120324
Shigeki Kato, Kazu Takeda, Ariunbuyan Sukhbaatar, Maya Sakamoto, Shiro Mori, Kiyoto Shiga, Tetsuya Kodama. Intranodal pressure of a metastatic lymph node reflects the response to lymphatic drug delivery system. Cancer Science. 2020. 111. 11. 4232-4241
Fate determination with a selected epitope facilitates follicular helper cell differentiation and protection against acute retroviral infection
(21st Kumamoto AIDS Seminar 2020)
Fate determination with a selected epitope facilitates follicular helper T cell differentiation and protection against acute retroviral infection
(The 30th International Workshop on Retroviral Pathogenesis 2018)