坂本飛鳥, 蒲田和芳. Are pelvic stabilizing exercises effective for postpartum pelvic girdle pain: A literture review. Journal of clinical gynecology & abstetrics. 2019. 8. 2. 33-38
坂本飛鳥. Natural history and risk factors of pregnency-related pelvic girdle pain in Japanese potpartum women and development of an effective intervention program. 広島国際大学. 2019
坂本飛鳥, 中川仁志, 中川洋, 星賢治, 蒲田和芳. Natural history for persistent low back and pelvic girdle pain in Japanese women 12 months after childbirth: A longitudinal pilot study. Pan Asian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology in press. 2019
Effects of a pelvic realigning exercise program started immediately after child delivery on low back and/or pelvic pain in postpartum women: a randomized control study
(APTA Combined Sections Meeting(アメリカ ニューオリンズ) 2018)