J-GLOBAL ID:202001006042297270   更新日: 2021年10月28日

ミュンツナー ウルリケ

ミュンツナー ウルリケ | Münzner Ulrike
研究分野 (1件): 分子生物学
論文 (5件):
  • Jesper Romers, Sebastian Thieme, Ulrike Münzner, Marcus Krantz. A scalable method for parameter-free simulation and validation of mechanistic cellular signal transduction network models. npj Systems Biology and Applications. 2020. 6. 1
  • Ulrike Münzner, Edda Klipp, Marcus Krantz. A comprehensive, mechanistically detailed, and executable model of the cell division cycle in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nature Communications. 2019. 10. 1
  • Jesper Romers, Sebastian Thieme, Ulrike Münzner, Marcus Krantz. Using rxncon to Develop Rule-Based Models. Modeling Biomolecular Site Dynamics. 2019. 71-118
  • Ulrike Münzner, Timo Lubitz, Edda Klipp, Marcus Krantz. Toward Genome-Scale Models of Signal Transduction Networks. Systems Biology. 2017. 215-242
  • Magdalena Rother, Ulrike Münzner, Sebastian Thieme, Marcus Krantz. Information content and scalability in signal transduction network reconstruction formats. Molecular BioSystems. 2013. 9. 8. 1993-1993
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