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Yasuhuro Hayakawa, Velu Nirmal Kumar, Mukannan Arivanandhan, Govindasamy Rajesh, Tadanobu Koyama, Yoshimi Momose, Kaoruho Sakata, Tetsuo Ozawa, Yasunori Okano, Yuko Inatomi. Effects of Gravity and Crystal Orientation on the Growth of InGaSb Ternary Alloy Semiconductors - Experiments at the International Space Station and on Earth-. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MICROGRAVITY SCIENCE AND APPLICATION. 2017. 34. 1
Velu Nirmal Kumar, Mukannan Arivanandhan, Govindasamy Rajesh, Tadanobu Koyama, Yoshimi Momose, Kaoruho Sakata, Tetsuo Ozawa, Yasunori Okano, Yuko Inatomi, Yasuhiro Hayakawa. Investigation of directionally solidified ingasb ternary alloys from Ga and Sb faces of GaSb(111) under prolonged microgravity at the international space station. npj Microgravity. 2016. 2. 16026-16026
Muthusamy Omprakash, Mukannan Arivanandhan, Tadanobu Koyama, Yoshimi Momose, Hiroya Ikeda, Hirokazu Tatsuoka, Dinesh K. Aswal, Shovit Bhattacharya, Yasunori Okano, Tetsuo Ozawa, et al. High power factor of Ga-doped compositionally homogeneous Si0.68Ge0.32 bulk crystal grown by the vertical temperature gradient freezing method. Crystal Growth and Design. 2015. 15. 3. 1380-1388
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